Volela bih kada bih mogla svima pokloniti po jedan primerak, ali možda neki drugi put.. :(
Najviše sreće ovog puta imala je....
MILA! Mila, čestitam ti i očekuj mejl uskoro, a jedno
veeeeeliko hvala i svim ostalim devojkama koje su učestvovale u ovom darivanju..do nekog drugog puta..
All pictures on Dijanamakeup.blogspot.com are protected by copyright. Using pictures without visibly naming the source, using them for an online advertisment all fall under copyright infringement and / or identity theft. These are serious legal matters. When pictures from this blog are used in incorrect ways, (legal) steps will be taken. Posting a picture on your blog is no problem, just make sure there is always a visible link back to this blog.
Thank you.
Čestitke :)
Bravo, Mila!
Cestitaaam :))
cestitke za Milu!:)
Heh, vidi ja! Taman kad sam pomislila da smo Random i ja u dozivotnoj svadji! Randome, sve ti je oprosteno :))
Hvala, Dijana :*
Divan blog, PRATIM!!!
lp :)
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